We could not have been happier when we found out we were going to have a baby. We were so excited awaiting our little arrival. We lived in a one room loft awaiting our assignment for Travis' job. That is it all in one room. After much waiting Lane was born on May 2, 2007 at 4:25pm, 21" and 8.5lbs. Needless to say we had take out for our one year anniversary.
So this is our wedding day and how our story begins. Travis and I met in Alaska in the singles ward. We were married six months later on May 5, 2006. For our first date we went to dinner at Sabi and bowling after. When we were bowling he went to go find me the right ball cause I was having a hard time and the song"She is his only need" by Wynnona Judd started playing in my head. That's when I knew he was the one for me. It took me a little while to convince him that I liked him. After that we were not apart. He purposed on December 27, 2005 with a huge green jeweled ring. We went the next day to pick out the real ring on my birthday.